Have you ever had a boss who gave you an assignment and then proceeded to stand over you with advice or criticism every step of the way? You knew, and so did he, that you were quite capable of doing the job and doing it well, but he's a micromanager who just can't let go. A simpler, less polite term would be "control freak!"
Have you ever given your children chores to do, then stood over them telling them how to do it every step of the way because you just knew that they couldn't do it as well as you? That's a perfectionist!
Have you ever prayed and asked God for His help and guidance, then told Him how you wanted it done and when? That's called an inability to LET GO, and too many of us seem to have that affliction!
You know, God is the worker who is quite capable of doing the assignment without supervision. He is the child who can do those chores better than you think! And we are the boss who stands over Him and tells Him how to do it; the mother who wants nothing less than perfection.
Well who could be more capable and more perfect than God Himself?! When you ask God for help, are you willing to accept the help, or are you just wanting to "put in an order" for what you want Him to do and how He should do it?!
Do you think God feels any less respected and honored than we do, when the boss stands over us and tells us step-by-step how to do the job? I imagine it must be even harder for God to deal with us at times, than it is for us to deal with the boss. After all, the boss is only human and he's no better than you really - aside from his title and position.
On the other hand, God is NOT our equal by any means, and we are certainly NOT capable of doing the job that He can do! Yet, because He has given us the power of choice, God can do nothing to help us until we are ready to step aside, and let Him do what He does best - guide our lives!
Since turning my life over to God, I've found that life has become so much simpler! I no longer have to go through the awful experience of learning things the hard way, because if I let Him, God will do it right the FIRST time! Now isn't that an awesome thought?! Imagine having the power and knowledge to be able to do it right the first time and every time! The point is, we humans DON'T have that power or knowledge, but the good news is that we have that power and knowledge available to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year! Why in the world would we battle against help like that?! Because we're control freaks!! We seem to have the idea that no one can run our lives better than we can.
Friend, I'm here to tell you that we just don't have what it takes to run our lives well. If we did, we wouldn't be asking God for help in the first place, would we?
What beautiful and thought provoking new posts to your blog! I enjoyed them very much
That is a great post, and your blog looks very good. I like all your autumn decorations.
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