Is it really Thanksgiving, or is it simply a holiday full of food, football games, and family reunions? Do you ever really think about what Thanksgiving means to you, or do you just go through all the motions of the family traditions – who’s going to cook the turkey, who’s going to bring the pies, and who’s going to figure out the seating so there are no arguments or hard feelings?
Well, to me Thanksgiving is more than just a date on the calendar, and a day full of food and partying. To me, Thanksgiving is a day that I traditionally give thanks for all my blessings, and believe me when I say that I often feel as if I’ve had more than my share of blessings!
To me, Thanksgiving is being thankful for all the Lord’s blessings. It’s being thankful for my family, and thankful for those who serve us at the risk of life and limb. Our firefighters, police officers, and emergency service personnel.
It’s also about being truly thankful for the men and women of all ages who really do sacrifice life and limb for the freedoms that we enjoy! It’s being thankful for the active duty members of our military, as well as the veterans who gave their all!
Do you have any active duty military personnel in your family, or any veterans? Have you ever thought to thank them for what they have done for YOU? When they chose to serve our country, they did it for YOU, not just everyone else. They left behind mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, husbands, wives and children, and gave their all for us!
I spent twenty years as a military wife, and my children grew up as “Navy brats” so I am quite familiar with the sacrifices made not only by the military personnel, but by their families! I’ve seen the mothers and fathers who spend months on end being a single parent – trying to be both mom and dad and hold it all together! I’ve seen the mothers and fathers who pray every day that their son or daughter will make it home. I’ve seen the children who cry for the missing parent. I know about the heartache of the parent who is overseas and is missing not only his or her child’s milestones, but the little every day things that take place in a growing child’s life. I know about the missed birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays!
Although Veteran’s Day was November 11th, well before Thanksgiving Day, I hope that you will take a few moments out of your festivities on Thanksgiving Day to say a prayer for our Veterans, as well as all of our service personnel who will be spending the holiday far away from their families, in a dangerous situation in a strange country. Better yet, take the time to personally thank a veteran for what they have done for our country – meaning YOU!!
Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving Day!
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