It's that time of year when Fall is trying very hard to peek around the corner, yet Summer is still trying to hang on for dear life! I'm so anxious for the cooler temperatures of Fall to come and stay, and for Summer to go into hibernation for a few months.
I'm one of those who has always had to march to my own music, my own drummer. While others are busily planning winter projects of crafts and baking, and preparing for the upcoming holidays, my mind is slowly transitioning into a season of renovation, followed by a season of rest. It's my slow time of year.
As Spring comes around each year, many are ready to move out of the gray doldrums of Winter and start working on their Spring cleaning at the first signs of greenery. For me, Spring is a lazy time of year, but come late Summer and Fall, I'm ready for new beginnings and ambitious changes before the restful Winter season.
As Fall prepares to show it's face, my thoughts are turning to my own personal Fall transitions. I'm no longer working this year, so have high hopes for a total transition in my home and within myself. Much to my joy, this is the year I have the time to make a lot of the changes I'd like to make. I've spent the Summer months slowly decluttering and downsizing. Nothing major, but just little things that need to be gone. Worn out shirts, books read too many times, old magazines, and all the little bric-a-brac that seems to appear from nowhere, or just kind of builds up when we aren't paying attention.
Since I recently moved, I have pictures that still need to be hung, decorative items to place here and there, and just a changing and settling in of everything in general.
Life is good, and I'm looking forward to a lot of positive changes taking place throughout the coming months. These changes will not only be environmental, but personal also. My spiritual life needs daily attention, and prayer and meditation upon the things that are important in my life - the things that really matter.
The things that really matter are not things that money can buy, or the gifts we share with each other, The important things are the people and experiences that have made us who we are, right down to the very core of our beings. It's about our priorities, our relationships, and most of all, our relationship with God.
Every season has it's special qualities, and for each of us, every season represents something different. For me, I like the peaceful quiet and slowness of the Fall and Winter months. It becomes a time to refresh and re-energize my mind and my body for the busy times ahead. For some, Winter is a time of sadness and doldrums, and they eagerly await the time of rebirth and freshness that is Spring.
Historically, Fall is a time of nostalgia and change for me. Nostalgia for me is a peaceful frame of mind - a time of memories, thoughts of changes to come, and hope for new beginnings in my future. I don't see Fall as a time of death and loss. For me, it is a time of preparation for a season of rest and quiet - a hibernation of sorts - before Spring pops up again, needing all the energy required for rebirth and new growth!
As the leaves change color and fall to the forest floor, I too, will peel off the layers of a busy Spring and Summer. Now is the time to prepare for a quiet settling in for the Winter months.
Life can be grand in every season, simply because each season has its own rewards. Every season can be what we make of it. Whatever your favorite and most peaceful season is, I hope that Fall will be good to you and bring you much joy!
Life is good, and every day is a blessing!! Enjoy it to the fullest!
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