Monday, October 25, 2010

A Topsy-Turvy Week!

Haven't had much sleep the last few days. I think it's because of a new medication. Whatever the reason, it's made me a bit loopy, and the fibro fog is a bit thicker than usual this week!  Did I say a BIT thicker! Actually, the last couple of days, it's been thicker than pea soup!

The blessings continue to flow though, so I'm not really complaining! We had several inches of much-needed rain in our area over the weekend, then Monday started out with a beautiful sky. There were a few small puffy white clouds, but it was mainly a clear blue ceiling above us!

Somehow, this topsy-turvy week has gotten me to thinking about some things, like why things happen the way the do. There have been times in my life when I've wondered why is it that the good always die too soon, and the wicked continue to prosper. Well, the truth is, they aren't really prospering, it just seems that way!

When you take the time to really sit down and think about it, you begin to realize just how sad it is. Some have more wealth than they will ever be able to use in a lifetime, while others struggle to have barely enough food to eat.

The problem with this picture is that while the rich have all their wealth, and all the possessions that it will buy, the one thing they may not have in abundance is happiness. There are some things that money just can't buy. If they don't have the Lord in their life, they don't have true happiness. If they don't have true happiness, then life is empty indeed. Think about it - all they have is their riches! How far will those riches really get them, and how long will they last.

Those riches won't buy them good health, or happiness, or life eternal. What they have here - that's all there is. Now what can be more sad than that?!

On the other hand, many of the poor are able to deal with their lot in life because they have the Lord to get them through whatever comes their way. They know that they are just travelers passing through, and once they reach their destination, they will lack for nothing!

What a awesome feeling. What a destination to look forward to. What a wonderful bundle of hope to sustain us on life's journey. There are many transitions that come and go during our journey through life, but if you have a heavenly Best Friend who will travel step-by-step with you, and you have eternal life to look forward to, what more could you possibly want or need?

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